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Dear Parent/Guardian


Below are some practical tips for home-based learning in response to the school closure arising from Covid-19. We understand that this is a time of uncertainty and concern for all. Families are finding themselves in very challenging and worrying circumstances. Health and wellbeing must come first at this time.   


As time progresses teachers will recommend more sites/activities which will be useful and these will be added here.  Many schools are developing and sharing resources in response to this need.


Keeping a learning routine going is a good start to this process. Try to have a set time, structured routine for schoolwork, with short, timed pieces of activity. Encourage independent learning in so far as is possible.


Have a supply of books that your children can read independently and books that you can read and enjoy together. Nothing beats reading and quality time! 


Engage children in other activities like chores/baking/art/craft/walking/physical activity/oral language discussions/free writing/music/board games. We highly recommend lots of fresh air and exercise, art, music etc. 


​Finally, a reminder that all pupils and students, from preschool to third level are urged to practise Social Distancing and to minimise physical contact with each other, to help avoid the spread of Covid-19. Parents and guardians are urged to support their children to maintain this approach.


We sincerely hope to see you all soon again. We will communicate via email and text if necessary also. Please ensure that the school has up to date email addresses and mobile telephone numbers at which you can be contacted. We need this so that we can keep you informed of any further guidance regarding this evolving situation.

January 12, 2021

Edco Online Digital & E-book Access
In light of the COVID-19 situation with continued school closures, Edco is providing free and open access for Primary Students, Parents and Teachers to our online digital and e-book platform This will allow parents to access the range of books and resources they need from home and facilitate a blended learning approach by Schools and Parents.


August 04, 2020

Letter to Parents & Staff
Please see via the link below a letter to parents & staff in regard to the

re-opening of Glencastle National School.

August 02, 2020 - (UPDATED February 2021) 

COVID-19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable reopening of Primary and Special Schools

The Minister for Education has published “The Roadmap for the Full Return to School” on the 27th July. It sets out what the operation of schools will look like and the range of supports which will be available in a COVID-19 context. 
The purpose of this document is to provide clear and helpful guidance for the safe operation through the prevention, early detection and control of COVID-19 in primary and special schools. It provides key messages to minimise the risk of COVID-19 for staff, pupils, families and the wider community while recognising the importance of education for the health and wellbeing of pupils and society as a whole. Please click below to view the document.

August 02, 2020

COVID-19 Policy Statement

Glencastle NS is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our staff and a safe learning environment for all our pupils. To ensure that, we have developed the following COVID-19 Response Plan. Please see the statement attached below.

May 15, 2020

Breathing Techniques for Children
Children can use breathing techniques to deal with anxiety, anger and tension. They can be taught how to apply an awareness of breath to stressful situations such as dealing with exams and tests, conflicts or being bullied, as well as before performing or presenting to their peers and parents.

May 10, 2020

With restrictions being extended, we may be feeling the impact of lockdown and the strain it can put on our families and family relationships.


Mental Health Ireland has developed a Family Wellbeing Toolkit with tips on how to nurture relationships and support a family from afar. There is a particularly useful list of resources on p.8.


You can also download here:


or here:

May 07, 2020

Well done to the pupils in the Junior Room who are working so hard on their Maths at home.

Keep up the good work. I'm so proud of you all! Mrs Mc Intyre

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 10.45.57.png

May 02, 2020

The National Safeguarding Office of the HSE are running a Children’s Art Competition ‘Keeping connected in times of Covid 19’ in conjunction with World Elder Abuse Day and European Day of Solidarity between Generations during the month of May. 


The promotion aims to highlight and promote innovative ways in which young people have been finding to keep in touch with their favourite older people, friends and neighbours in the current restrictive Covid 19 climate.


Entry Details:

The competition is currently open and all entries are to be sent to

Closing date is 29th May.

Pictures on an A4 page, parents/guardians to email a photo of entry to the above email address including the child’s name and category with the subject line to read ‘keeping connected competition’


Please see the poster below for further information.

May 02, 2020

NCSE - National Council For Special Education Resources.

May 02, 2020

Music Podcast from RTE


RTE are very busy trying to meet the educational needs of our young people.
The music department have been active in consultation with teachers and are
making resources available through the Hub and accompanying Podcasts.

The Homeschool Hub Podcast is an extension of the TV Show on RTÉ 2. Every
day RTE will add new audio material that supports the day's TV lessons, but
in a way that is not repetition but rather gives new media for kids to
listen to rather than watch.

We will feature musicians talking about their instruments, Nature, Science,
History, Geography and, each Friday we will post two table quizzes; one for
1st to 3rd Class, the other for 4th to 6th. The ideal way to complete the
week and go back over all they were introduced to on both the Hub and the

It would be great if the word got out about this too. The TV show is
invaluable for Parents and kids alike but this is another way to get kids
engaged in learning without having to depend upon a screen.

It's available wherever people get their podcasts but the link is below.
RSS Feed:
Apple Podcasts:

May 02, 2020

 Please take a look at these two physical activity resources - Playground Games and Games Cards.


Here are resources that you could possibly incorporate into your home school plan. They are easy to introduce, need little or no equipment, and are a bit of fun. While they were developed initially for the classroom setting, they could easily be adapted for use at home.

May 02, 2020

The Parents Centre is a Government of Ireland central information point where parents can get high-quality, trusted information and support.  For more information, please click here: 
Resources for parents during COVID-19 measures.

May 02, 2020

To help parents interact constructively with their children during Covid-19, the World Health Organization has developed six one-page tips sheets for parents, which cover planning one-on-one time, staying positive, creating a daily routine, avoiding bad behaviour,

managing stress, and talking about COVID-19.
These are available here: WHO - Parenting in the time of COVID-19.

May 02, 2020

Let’s Play Ireland is a government-led initiative aimed at promoting play for all children living in Ireland during the COVID-19 emergency. For more information,

please click here: Let's Play Ireland.

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