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Special Education Provision

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Within the grounds of Glencastle N.S are the 3 classes that support our children that require a more individualised learning experience.


Our school has been committed to ‘inclusion for all’ since the opening of our Special Class in 1991 so that all of our children can play and learn alongside their peers at a pace that is appropriate for their needs.   This  SEN provision has been further developed by the addition of an ASD Class in 2016 and most recently our Early Intervention Class in 2020.


Our Early Intervention Class caters for the needs of children with Autism who are between three years and six months and five years and eleven months of age.


The Autism Class welcomes pupils of school age with a diagnosis of Autism. 

The Multi-Disciplinary class caters for the needs of school age pupils with a diagnosed learning disability.


The classes offer an individualised learning environment within a mainstream school.  


The Early Intervention class and ASD Class has a pupil teacher ratio of 6:1 with SNA support.


The Multi-disability class also has a low pupil to teacher ratio and SNA support allocated according to the pupils needs.


The classrooms are physically structured with specific areas for individual learning, group work, play and lunch.   We have the support of the multi disciplinary teams from the HSE that supplement our learning programmes where needed. 


We offer a unique educational experience that is guided by the National Curriculum but tailor made to suit each child’s stage of development.  Our day comprises of sensory circuits and self regulation time in the morning to get us ready for calmer listening and engagement during circle time before we begin our independent work and targeted learning activities.  The timetable is broken up by movement breaks and free choice time, with an emphasis on learning through play and sensory experiences.


The children’s day is supported by a consistent structure with visual class and individual timetables to help pupils transition smoothly through the activities offered.


As the children progress through the school, inclusion with their mainstream peers is planned for and promoted as a priority in their learning and school experience.


School transport is provided for qualifying pupils.  Once an assessment of ASD or learning disability is made, parents can apply to our school for enrolment.

© 2023

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