It is with great gratitude we accepted a cheque of 4063.65 euro from the Erris Exiles in London. These amazing people are all immigrants of the Erris area who never forgot where they came from. They do amazing work and we are so fortunate in Glencastle National to have people like these fundraising on our behalf. This money will go towards a new interactive whiteboard for the multi-disability class. A special word of thanks to Seán and Joesphine Ruddy, Ann Winters and all of the committee in London. Go Raibh Míle Maith Agaibh.
Below is a picture of the cheque being presented to some of the staff in Glencastle Special Classes. (From left to right- Ann Winters, Lisa Carolan, Catherine McIntyre, Clara Coyle, and Joesphine Ruddy).
